Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Curio: Dawn Dudek's Filmscapes

Alexa from Pop Elegantiarum here with your weekly art break.

Reading the opening to Nathaniel's interview with Kirsten Dunst ("one half expects her to flicker when one meets her, as if she's being projected still", lovely!) reminded me of this painting by Dawn Dudek.

M escapes to dream.
2007, acrylic on canvas

Dawn creates magical split-frame paintings that go beyond merely imitating the atmosphere of a film; her paintings capture feeling of watching a moment at 24 frames per second. Her subjects range from more obscure films to the (slightly) more commercial. One of the fun things about looking at her work is figuring out what film inspired each painting. Some I recognized immediately, others took longer, and for many, I needed help. But not knowing doesn't detract from the experience at all. A selection of some of my favorites, below.

Cleo wears her new hat on Tuesday.
2007, acrylic on canvas

Su waiting for Chow
2006, acrylic on canvas

William in pursuit
2007, acrylic on canvas

El Paso
2010, acrylic on canvas

The twilight of Cathy Whitaker
2006, acrylic on canvas