Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Borrowed Time

Until I feel really inspired, and until this cup of coffee does its cup of joe mojo on me (still so sleepy), I'll be a-borrowing topics from others. My friend Nick just did this...

10 Years Ago I...
1. obsessed on Elisabeth Shue's performance in Leaving Las Vegas and Sean Penn's in Dead Man Walking. In a screw-you switcheroo Oscar loved the other performance in each film most of all.
2. realized that the group of friends I had made the year before were going to be lifelong ones. Big hugs to my 'Fruit Family'
3. dated alot and then a total boyfriend drought began (which I thought would never end).
4. was still licking the wounds of coming out to my parents the year before. My dad, asked me what I did when I got these "cravings." Hilarious now, the choice of words. But painful to hear at the time.
5. took my nephews to see Babe which we all totally loved and which, for weeks thereafter they mimicked in pipsqueak narrating-mouse voices.

5 Years Ago I...

1. obsessed on Dancer in the Dark --Film Comment even printed a snippet of a letter I wrote that said I suspected it would be the best of the decade and the decade had just begun!
2. thought briefly about the leaving the company I'm still with but stayed which wasa good decision at the time but doesn't feel so hot now that it's five years later and I'm eager for change.
3. was feeling the success of my virgin website and had given up the print zine upon which it was based.
4. went to the beach a lot with my best friend. I need another summer like that; large quantities of sun and sand.
5. attended Wigstock for the last time and also attended the Millenium March on Washington (i'm in the blond in both pics above) which was a highly memorable event. Thousands of GLBT people descending on the capital marching for their rights? Priceless.

to be continued...?