Sunday, June 5, 2005

Antoinette Perry

So, the Tony Awards have come and gone. Much happiness have I in regards to the Bill Irwin win for Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. And, though it pained me to see Kathleen Turner lose for the same show, one can't argue with the estimable Cherry Jones taking another trophy. She is a divine gift to the theater. My other favorite show of the season The Light in the Piazza also managed to take home the most awards for a musical (five in all) though it lost the big prize to the blockbuster Monty Python's Spamalot which won only three.

In other stage-ish news, check out the new trailer to the film version ofRent. (thanks to ModFab for the headsup) Props to this films marketing team for not hiding the fact that it's a real musical. That's nice to see given the way Chicago and Moulin Rouge! were half-assed about actually showing people sing in their promotional materials.