Sunday, December 12, 2010

Boston Society of Film Critics. Juliette is a Rock Star

The Boston Society of Film Critics have been known to surprise in the past and this year, they've opted for Juliette Lewis as Best Supporting Actress in Conviction. Bet you didn't see that under five minute surprise coming! A good day for The Fighter, Black Swan and The Social Network. Less so for The Kids Are All Right which did manage two runner up citations but, alas, runner up citations aren't really official and don't get you great FYC material. It was also a bad day for Ben Affleck's The Town. Home-town bias didn't help it to place anywhere.

Full list with commentary after the jump

Picture The Social Network
Runner up: Toy Story 3
Director David Fincher for The Social Network
Runner up: Darren Aronofsky for Black Swan
Actress Natalie Portman in Black Swan
Runner up: Annette Bening in The Kids Are All Right

Jesse Eisenberg in The Social Network
Runner up: Colin Firth (
The King's Speech) who lost by just one vote apparently.
Supporting Actress:
Juliette Lewis in Conviction (read the TFE interview)
Runner Up: Melissa Leo (
The Fighter)
Supporting Actor
Christian Bale in The FighterRunner Up: Andrew Garfield in The Social Network
Aaron Sorkin for The Social Network
Runner up: Nicole Holocener for Please Give

Cinematography: Roger Deakins for the Coen Bros True Grit Runner up: Matthew Libatique for Black Swan
Editing (in memory of Karen Schmeer) Andrew Weisblum for Black Swan
Runner up: Lee Smith for

"It's our time."
A lot of people 'round the net are calling this a "sweep" for ...Network. It's a very strong showing yes, but a sweep? A sweep implies everything and they didn't win Supporting Actor and they won none of the technical prizes -- not even runner up -- apart from "music". Nitpicking forever! Very very strong showing, yes, but not a sweep. Several other films also won invites to Boston's wonderful Brattle Theater for the ceremony on January 30th, 2011. Think Juliette Lewis will show?

New Filmmaker (in memory of David Brudnoy) Jeff Malmberg for Marwencol
Runner up: David Michôd for
Animal Kingdom
Best Use of Music in a Film Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for The Social Network
Runner up: Carter Burwell for
True Grit
Ensemble Cast  The Fighter
Runner up: The Kids Are All Right
Documentary Marwencol
Runner up: Inside Job
Foreign Language Film Mother (South Korea)
Runner up: I Am Love (Italy)
Animated Film  Toy Story 3
Runner up: The Illusionist