Monday, December 20, 2010

Houston, St. Louis & Florida Name Their Favorites

I'm just going to keep using this one photo I concocted below until people stop with the Hailee Steinfeld is a supporting actress in True Grit meme. I've even seen her so labelled IN REVIEWS that have nothing to do with Oscars. Oscar culture has truly distorted all concepts of narrative in our modern society. I realize that I'm the lone ornery voice of dissent but, so what? I'm demonstrating my own true grit; Hailee would be proud of me... well, except for the part where I wouldn't nominate her.

But, the ageism and sexism of movie awards is really getting to me this year, sorry.

Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld), the captain of True Grit's ship.
Fact: No teenage boy who was leading a picture like True Grit (just imagine the gender reversed) would ever win any awards beyond "breakthrough." Remember when Leonardo DiCaprio won all those statues for his wildly acclaimed "supporting" work in This Boy's Life (1993) and Jesse Bradford won all those awards for King of the Hill (1993)  and Christian Bale won those same prizes for his debut "supporting" work in Empire of the Sun (1987) and Max Records won them for supporting all of those Wild Things Whereever They Were last year and remember when...

No, neither do I.

Pretend Hailee was a boy and imagine her chances competing against Bale or Rush. HA! Like that would ever happen. People respect veteran actors too much to take their trophies away from them. But put a young girl up against a veteran actress and the veteran actresses are toast. They get no respect.

Anyway... if you wanna discuss what Texas, Missouri and Florida critics are honoring, keep on readin'.

Best Picture The Social Network
Best Director David Fincher, The Social Network
Best Actress Natalie Portman, Black Swan
Best Actor  Jesse Eisenberg, The Social Network

Best Supporting Actress
Hailee Steinfeld, True Grit
Best Supporting Actor Christian Bale, The Fighter
Best Screenplay Aaron Sorkin, The Social Network
Best Documentary Restrepo
Best Foreign Film The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Best Animated Film Toy Story 3
Best Cinematography Wally Pfister, Inception
Best Original Score Hans Zimmer, Inception
Best Original Song “We Are Sex Bob-Omb!”, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (music and lyrics by Beck)
Worst Picture Jonah Hex
Humanitarian of the Year George Clooney
Lifetime Achievement Award Sissy Spacek
  • I can't feign more anger at the Hailee Steinfeld True Grit thing but to say that it's the single biggest category fraud since Jamie Foxx as "supporting" in Collateral. Moving on... it's the usual suspects here so... moving on.

    Oh P.S. Sissy Spacek is a Texan but she's definitely a good choice for lifetime achievement. What would be even better than a lifetime achievement prize would be a role worth her time. When is that coming?
Best Picture: The Social Network
Best Actress: Natalie Portman, Black Swan
Best Actor: Firth, The King’s Speech
Best Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo, The Fighter
Best Supporting Actor: Christian Bale, The Fighter
Best Director: David Fincher, The Social Network
Best Adapted Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin, The Social Network
Best Original Screenplay: Christopher Nolan, Inception
Best Cinematography: Wally Pfister, Inception
Best Visual Effects: Inception
Best Art Direction/Production Design: Guy Dyas, Inception
Best Foreign Language Film: I Am Love
Best Animated: Toy Story 3
Best Documentary: The Tillman Story
Breakout: Jennifer Lawrence, Winter’s Bone
Golden Orange: Matthew Curtis, Enzian Theater and the Florida  Film Festival
  • More usual suspects as Natalie Portman begins to take the critical lead (after a slow start where she didn't manage either of the important coastal awards, LAFCA or NYFCC).

    Of note: Inception fared better than usual here. I do think it's still going to have a very high nomination count at the Oscars.
St. Louis

Best Picture The Social Network
Best Director David Fincher, The Social Network
Best Actress Natalie Portman, Black Swan
Best Actor  Colin Firth, The King's Speech
Best Supporting Actress Melissa Leo, The Fighter
Best Supporting Actor Christian Bale, The Fighter
Best Adapted Screenplay Aaron Sorkin, The Social Network
Best Original Screenplay David Seidler, The King's Speech
Best Documentary The Tillman Story
Best Foreign Film MicMacs
Best Animated Film Toy Story 3
Best Comedy Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Roger Deakins, True Grit
Best Music The Social Network
Visual Effects Inception
Artistic/Creative Film (Arthouse) MicMacs
Moving the Medium Forward Award Inception
Special Merit (Scene) (tie) 127 Hours (zoomout when first trapped) and Inception (zero gravity hallway)
  • Nathaniel R Award For Altruistic Groupthink: To all minor critics organization who make blogging easier by choosing all of the same films and performances to award. For the ease and speed of copying and pasting, my fingers and wrists thank you!

Oh and one more thing before I forget...

Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld), the captain of True Grit's ship.