Saturday, February 26, 2005

Party Favors

Panic mode is setting in. So much to do... so little time in which to do it. I keep thinking some of my hunches that I didn't quite go with (like Swank losing) are going to happen. But I have to remind myself that that's typical day before psyche-outs. Everyone en masse usually SUDDENLY thinks anything is possible (like people thinking Crouching Tiger could beat Gladiator even though it was a Taiwanese entry. But it wouldn't make sense for M$B to be shut out and I don't see how it wins best picture without acting prizes (since it's not going to win much else) --However I do think it's possible that it loses pic & dir and ONLY wins acting.

I wanted to predict Clive Owen -feeling sudden heat for him in the air and having always felt that one of the two from Closer could take something home. But I keep thinking back to Kate Winslet at the SAG suddenly stopping the interviews on E! in order to profess her love for his work. Kate -freaking- Winslet who is a better actor than just about everyone idolizing someone else? So I keep thinking it has to be Freeman. But Clive. Clive. Clive. Why can't I let it go?