Saturday, February 3, 2007

We Can't Wait #17 The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford

Jeremy Renner and Sam Rockwell flank their leader Brad Pitt as gunslinger Jesse James

Andrew Dominik, the writer/director of this new Western (based on the novel of the same lengthy name by Ron Hansen), made his name on the brutal Chopper (2000) which he also wrote and directed adapting from a novel. Dominik's first film was critically well received and introduced the world to Eric Bana (previously known only in the starmaking capital of the world --that'd be Australia). His second feature The Assassination of Jesse James... comes with a ready made star whose already as famous as anyone's ever going to get. Brad Pitt is the assassinated and Casey Affleck is the coward. The film is shot (no pun intended) by legendary and still Oscar-less cinematographer Roger Deakins so at the very least it'll look purty.

The film is due in, well, we're not sure. October maybe? Here's the official site.

Two questions for my anticipating movie companions.
  1. Are you worried that this film was delayed from last fall. Is it "troubled"?
  2. Is Andrew Dominik only going to make movies with the stars of Troy -- Is Orlando Bloom next?
Gabriel: Not especially worried. I like the story, I like the director and I like the casting (the new, roughed-up, no-makeup Brad Pitt is infinitely more interesting that he used to be). It should be interesting, even if it's bad.

Lulu: This one's a push-pull kinda thing. Mary-Louise Parker & Zooey Deschanel? (Big YAY!) In a Western (Mmm, okayyyyy.) With Brad Pitt and the talented Affleck? (Mini yay.) In a reimagination of the already overblown Jesse James myth. (Major feh.) Here's crossing the appropriate digits that Mary-Louise (as a character named Zeralda) really brings home this bacon.

Joe: I'll be the shameful one today who says he has never seen Chopper. I'm sure it's wonderful and I'll one day see it, I swear! Anyway, is really loving the title a good enough reason to want to see this? Bah, even if it's not, I've got Roger Deakins and my girl Mary Louise Parker, though MLP will probably be stuck with the role of the mourning widow or some such. say Zooey Deschanel. That's it. I'm in.

Jason: Yeah, I had nothing on this movie til the director of Chopper and the name Zooey were invoked, and now I'm spellbound. Zooey... Zooey... hypnotizing.

Nathaniel: I'm agnostic on Zooey. But Mary-Louise --Mmm. And I wish all movies had titles like this. Imagine: The Deflowering of Jack Twist by the Closet Case Ennis Del Mar.

previously on "we can't wait"
#18 Spider-Man 3
#19 Rendition
#20 The Bourne Ultimatum
Intro -films that didn't make the list