Friday, February 2, 2007

We Can't Wait #19 Rendition

Aside from Brokeback Mountain fever (which did suck up a lot of time) 2006 was Jake Gyllenhaal free at the movies. Not so 2007. He returns twice. Rejoice Gyllenhaalics, rejoice!

Rendition is a contemporary political thriller about a CIA Man (Jakey-poo) who begins to question everything when he witnesses a terrorist suspect interrogated. The suspect's wife (Reese Witherspoon) heads to DC to seek answers. 'Where is her husband? What is going on?' Presumably these two story threads collide rather dramatically. Omar Metwalley and current Oscar nominees Meryl Streep and Alan Arkin co-star. Rendition arrives in theaters in late November. That's the plan at least. Just in time for Oscars?

As in all things Jake, I defer to JA first...

JA: Well I never got around to Tsotsi, director Gavin Hood's last acclaimed film, but I trust My Man Jake to choose his scripts and directors wisely - he hasn't shown me any reason to doubt his dreamy blue-eyes/opinion yet. And that's some cast there (you forgot Peter Sarsgaard!).

Gabriel: This sounds familiar...the CIA guy, the evil bosses, the questioning wife. Is this Good Shepherd 2? And there's that other new film Breach, with Ryan Ryan for Jake, and it's similar, no?

Joe: One would hope that Reese’s role has a little more meat on its bones than poor Angelina’s did in The Good Shepherd. I’m putting my faith in the cast here more than anything. Whereas Shepherd and Breach are both looking backwards at the Cold War, this one looks intently toward the current “war on terror.” Lets hope it looks unblinkingly. As it is now, the cast has me riveted – Jake, Reese, Sarsgaard, and Streep? Did they have a poster of me in the casting agent’s office and a mandate to please me at all costs? I’ll offer my thanks in advance.

JA:Where are we? I just woke up after fainting from the phrase "trade Ryan for Jake." Oh to live in that world. Which Reese apparently does. Damn her.

Joe:I’m still waiting for Jake and Ryan to team up with Matt McConaughey for their long-awaited Three Men and a Naked Cardio Workout movie. The promo pics for that one have been stellar.

Lu: That sounds like a gooood movie.

Nathaniel: It is. I got it on bootleg in Chinatown. I'll burn you all copies.

previously on "we can't wait"
#20 The Bourne Ultimatum
Intro -films that didn't make the list