Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Eat up. Drive safe. Hug loved ones. And thanks for being so faithful to The Film Experience. We give thanks for your patronage. We'll be back when we're back at some point tomorrow and a bit over the weekend. Enjoy your holiday.


See a movie. There's so much good stuff in movie theaters right now (links go to post collections): fun musicals like Burlesque & Tangled both of which I already want to see again; Oscar hopefuls that are totally worth seeing even if they're not quite "Best of Year" like 127 Hours & The King's Speech; Things I can't vouch for (haven't yet seen) like Love and Other Drugs and Harry Potter's and The Final Money Grab Pt 1; If you're entertaining at home, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and The Kids Are All Right are must-sees on DVD.