Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Takk Takk Link Link

Nathaniel + Layers
in Frozen Iceland
Believe it or not -- but you should believe it! -- I made it a full week without the internet. Go Nathaniel! I didn't even use my iPhone but for texting to make sure the catsitting was going okay.

I'm glad to be back online but a detox was in order. The last time I went a week without staring at computer screens was... well... um... I... errrrr.... unh let's see now...


This was a strange challenge to give myself in Iceland of all places which prides itself on its connectivity; reportedly 97% of the population uses the internet which makes them the #1 country percentage wise, if not in total users. By contrast the US claims 77% penetration and the UK 82%.

But now I'm back to my life made by for through around inside fused with enslaved to and on the internet.

LINKS. Here's a couple handful to read while I write some new posts. And yes, I'll tell you 'bout my trip soon. I'll try to make it cinematic. And if not, I'll make it brief.

AV Club "Lights! Camera! Deconstruction!" on films that double as film criticism. Some unexpected choices but really interesting write-ups.
Tribeca Film "Awards Season Begins... When?" Some thoughts (from moi) on the always amorphous beginning of the season. FWIW, the NBR makes their announcement on December 2nd, just 15 days from now.
Awards Daily Palm Springs puts a checkmark in the Firth & Portman awards chart columns.
Pop Elegantarium dressed up her daughter for Halloween in a way you cinephiles will just love. Get those babies started on loving movies early! I meant to link to this weeks ago but isn't it awesome?

Multitudes of Harry
 Forbes "Highest Earning Female Entertainers". These lists always freak me out partially because the numbers seem so absurd. Most people could live quite comfortably for their entire life on 1/10th (or less) of what any of these women make in a year. Which is why it's kind of funny/surreal that online coverage of these lists is usually along the sympathy-seeking lines of "if only they could earn as much as the men!" Sandra Bullock is the only actress on the list, the rest being pop stars and TV hosts.
Stale Popcorn reviews Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 but more importantly, he expresses relief that a lot of very talented people will soon be free to explore new worlds: Stuart Craig and Jany Temime, you're about to be sprung from Azkaban!
My New Plaid Pants likes 127 Hours with the same approximate muchness as I.
Serious Film has some issues with some readings of Clint Eastwood's Hereafter.
In Contention looks at Jennifer Hudson in Winnie.

And y'all know I'm excited about The Return of Cher. Here she is -- it looks like she's about to lick her lips and break into song -- at the Burlesque premiere.

I know a lot of people think Burlesque will be terrible but I don't much care. Don't care how I get her. Just want her. It's been way too long. I'd link you to her new song "Welcome to Burlesque" but the links keep breaking.

Finally... Since I am now getting back to work
I must thank my two handfuls of guest bloggers who did a fine job while I was away. So thank you to TFE's regular weekly columnists: Robert, Michael, Craig & Alexa; frequent well loved guest stars JA and Jose; returning subs TimothyGlenn and Erich; and first-timer Kurtis from 'Your Movie Buddy' who I interrogated about Iceland before I left. A warm round of applause for all. If you click on their names, you can visit their own wonderful blogs.