Sunday, October 1, 2006

Monologue Mondays -"Faith Justin"

Lenny, just stay away from Tran, okay? And stay away from me.

Stop trying to rescue me. Those days are over. I'm a big girl now. Stop trying to save me, okay, because I don't need saving.

Just...give up on me.

You know one of the ways movies are still better than playback? The music comes up, there's credits, and you always know when it's over.

"Faith Justin" as played by the rockin' Juliette Lewis in Strange Days (1995) Written by James Cameron and Jay Cocks. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow. This largely unheralded performance closed out a five year run of astonishing work from the always potent actress. Like the film itself, this turn almost grasped what it was reaching for --flawed but still riveting.