Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A Christmas Gift From Bazmark

According to Coming Soon (by way of the Sydney Morning Herald) filming has begun on Baz Luhrmann's Australia, a romantic epic to star Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman.

The film is set during World War II. Nic will play an English aristocrat with a mammoth ranch in Australia and Jackman a cattle driver. How butch! Baz Luhrmann, one of my very favorite filmmakers only makes a movie every 5 years or so, so you can imagine how thrilled I am to hear that Australia has officially begun. How do you suppose he'll work that "L'Amour" signage into this one?

Related posts:
Nicole Kidman: She's (Almost) Back -a mini appreciation
Hump Day Hottie: Hugh Jackman -man. dancer. father. actor. singer. god
Moulin Rouge!, the obsession -a scene by scene rundown