Tuesday, December 11, 2007

San Francisco Film Critics Circle

I'm really not going to do this for every city that exists... but before the BFCA starts "predicting" (i.e. nominating) lets have won more cities awards...

Picture: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Whoa. People thinking for themselves
Director: The Coen Bros No Country For Old Men
Actor: George Clooney Michael Clayton
Actress: Julie Christie Away From Her
Foreign Language: The Diving Bell and Butterfly
Documentary: No End in Sight
Screenplay: Tamara Jenkins, The Savages
Adapted Screenplay: Sarah Polley, Away From Her
Supporting Actress: Amy Ryan, Gone Baby Gone
Quite obviously the greatest performance of all time he said with sarcasm. It's disappointing that critics orgs don't have more imagination.

Supporting Actor: Casey Affleck, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford [emphasis mine and the films, you know]
Oh dear lord. I try to respect critics organizations... I really do. But they're all so embarassingly Oscar driven. There's a mini brouhaha about critical awards vs. Oscars that Awards Daily is defensive about in light of Scott Foundas' LAFCA related article but the truth, as I see it, is that everyone is guilty of kow-towing to the Oscars in some way shape or form. Anyone with any understanding of storytelling and dramatic principles -- and that ought to include critics I think --should recognize that this movie is the story of Robert Ford and how he feels about Jesse James. Robert Ford is played by Casey Affleck. I don't think it's a spoiler to tell you that Jesse James (Brad Pitt) gets assassinated and guess what? the film continues. Your protagonist is still alive and kicking. Is Norman Bates the supporting actor in Psycho. Jesus Christ!

P.S. I love the performance.