Monday, December 17, 2007

There Will Be Links

Jim Hill an exhaustive look at Pixar's self referencing
Reports from the Edge wasn't Enchanted but offers up great suggestions for future roles for one James Marsden
Wow Report
says that Keira's Atonement dress will be cloned very soon and sell like crazy
Jurgen Fauth attends the There Will Be Blood premiere
Bright Lights finds meaningless Christmas film coincidences
Hollywood Snark apparently QT likes Lindsay Lohan. I'm sure he could pull a terrific performance out of her. He can pull that from anybody.
Secret Fun A graphic designer celebrates his obscure contribution to popular movie culture in the Hairspray DVD release. This is both secret and fun just as the blog title promises. Well done.

List Time
Slant "the year in film" How awesome is their graphic? --->
MSN Movies "Moments Out of Time" I used to love this feature in Film Comment. Love it still...
In Contention Tapley puts his hands in the air for the western genre in his 'best of the year' column
The Projectionist has a truckload of year end rankings