Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Are You 'Actress Psychic'?

You've only got two days left to enter the 4th edition of The Film Experience's favorite game. Last year we had trouble with pointage but this year there's an excel wiz who'll be tabulating for us so we're giving it one final go. How correct is your guesswork when you're predicting the Oscars nearly an entire year in advance? Without the benefit of precursors, movie screenings, reviews or buzz. It's all about your hunches. Are you thinking... Helen, Anne, Sarah, Cameron & Imelda? Or maybe Chloe, Renee, Reese, Michelle & Hilary? How's about Carey, Keira, Noomi, Jodie & Jennifer. Any five-pack combo is possible before anyone has seen the films.

Click here for instructions if you'd like to play along.

How the points are allocating is still being discussed behind the scenes but it'll be somewhat similar to how it was in year's past: festival showings, precursor attention and box office definitely win you points ... it all adds up.

Will you be playing? (More predictions in other categories coming tonight)