Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cannes Tweets/Treats: Young Hollywood Edition

With Cannes's final weekend approaching people are probably leaving town. At least that's the way it happens at other festivals. The only thing exciting left (unless there's a late breaking hit or polarizing cause) is the awards and the first ever Queer Palm which could go a few different ways. But here's a few more tweets and eye candy treats for you.

Dominic Cooper = sex? | Ryan & Michelle are now dating

The Beautiful People
@onthecroisette "Dominic Cooper is provoking pansexual heatwaves in my row."
@snooptom "Pas d'Araki pour moi, je resterai sur le Dolan, "une éphémère vacuité addictive" / 20 ans, 2 films en un an, 2 Cannes, je te hais, BRAVO!"
@AwardsDaily "Am always amazed by the perfect symetry of some actors' faces. Ryan Gosling is so blindingly good looking. Michelle Williams too."
@guylodge "EXCLUSIVE Cannes fashion report: Mike Leigh favours red-soled Campers with yellow socks. You heard it here first."

Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet (Love Songs) and Xavier Dolan (Heartbeats).
Young Hollywood if YH spoke French and made bisexual auteur flicks

Le Cinema
@cobblehillis POETRY (Lee Chang-dong): Splitting hairs to say it's no SECRET SUNSHINE because it's still terrific, devastating & (sorry for this:) poetic.
@guylodge "Anyway, a second helping of "Certified Copy" only enriched the film. People will be studying it for years. Binoche's final scene slays me.
@mattnoller "Trying to write up BLUE VALENTINE, I keep typing BLUE VELVET instead. Boy I wish."
@ZeitchikLAT "Why can't Americans make movies like CARLOS? The best we could do is Munich.."
@akstanwyck "Cannes' The Myth of the American Sleepover vs. Shit Year: One Sings, the Other Doesn't: I'm allergic to pretension..."

Every time I tire of Carey Mulligan as FASHIONISTA, she wins me back
VERY Young Hollywood: Faith Wladyka is terrific in Blue Valentine.

The Random
@MattDentler "So, the Cannes Film Festival will stream the "Lost" series finale inside the Palais this weekend, right?"
@mattnoller "
Feeling a strange craving for a hot dog. Might be that I'm sitting three feet away from Jeff Wells."

if you didn't get that last joke... read the previous Cannes tweet report

Time to say au revoir but before that, let's all wish Lindsay Lohan well. She's "lost" her passport in Cannes i.e. in trouble again. Will Lost His/Her Passport become the new Hospitalized For Exhaustion? I've said it before and I'll say it again: We'll know that Lindsay has finally pulled herself together when she stops messing with her beautiful red hair.

Lindsay at a party rather than a film. Bien sur.

If her mane is blond or black or any color wheel slot save red, it's a sure sign she's trying to escape herself. So saith I, Nathaniel, unlicensed Armchair Psychologist to the Stars Actresses. Deal with your issues LiLo and get back to acting. It's something you're good at. When people have such things, they really ought to focus on them. It's a lifestyle choice that guarantees rewards. Not always sensational or exciting rewards but rewards nonetheless.

Bien à toi