Thursday, May 20, 2010

TFE The Network

In keeping with the spirit of "Upfronts Week" in which networks announce their new seasons, I thought I would do the same. It's common place now for blogs to have "series" but I am proud to say I was one of the early adopters of this 'I'm my own network!' approach. I enjoy the creation and evolution of series and it seems that barring a couple of them over the years, you (the active audience) enjoy them too.

The Film Experience will always be somewhat random since spontaneity is oxygen (and other less pleasurable reasons also interfere). Sometimes ambitions collapse before execution due to lack of funding, corporate slavery, cat illness, backlog of unfinished business or loss of passport. But series and general structure help keep things on track regardless; Attempts at discipline never hurt anyone. So here's what we hope is coming up...
Will valiantly attempt to wrap up the long delayed Film Bitch Awards for 2009 next week and there's a few exciting industry interviews coming up. Stay tuned and join in the obsessive merriment.

If you don't comment, we never know what you're thinking. If you have praise don't hold back... pour it on thick. If you have gripes, keep it to y--- kidding! Always be constructive in your criticisms if you have them. Here and elsewhere. The Film Experience wants to be a happy place. Happy happy joy joy.