Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Link Crazy Pt. 1: Casting Special

EW Linda Hamilton, our favorite Terminator, joins Showtime's Weeds. Does this mean we need to start watching again?
Black Book "The sort of return of Mark Hamill"
OMG the next time someone wants to reshoot Psycho, how about puppets in the lead roles?
THR Three Musketeers (3D) cast getting bigger. Juno Temple (newly in demand, apparently) may play queen.
MTV Somebody cast Adam Rosenberg in a Willow (1988) reboot, like now
First Showing Will Smith rejected the role. It now looks like Terrence Howard may get 'Sexual Healing' ♫ is something that's good for me ♪ as Marvin Gaye for Cameron Crowe's upcoming biopic
Filmofilia Ewan McGregor for Terry Gilliam's The Man Who Killed Don Quixote

Did you get a chance to see Chris Klein's Mamma Mia! audition before it got pulled? It's resurfaced for the moment at Crushable. I almost didn't mention it out of pity but it is such a train wreck but the Videogum writeup was so funny
...there isn’t any cocaine left, because Chris Klein did it all.
And it only pushes all my buttons for Hollywood's carelessness with musicals as well as the blink and you miss it stardom of so many young actors. I was discussing this with Joe Reid yesterday and marvelling that anything went for Mamma Mia!'s casting team. They would obviously let anyone audition, given that on the evidence of the film, they didn't care about the vocal quality. Quoth Joe "like, cast people who can't sing, fine, but cast people who can't sing and are also not box-office draws? WTF?" Streep & Seyfried excepted, of course.