Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gotta Dance! More Musicals Please. And Not Just From Bollywood.

I've been a teensy bit Hrithik Roshan obsessed since seeing Kites. I didn't think much of the movie itself (my review) but its shorter, speedier fraternal twin Kites: The Remix opens this weekend so Roshan is still swiveling around in my brain. The Movie Report has a "decade of dance" with the Bollywood god in celebration. Great clips chosen though this only makes me question the wisdom of giving the man only one dance number in Kites* And near the beginning of the film, too. That's called shooting yourself in the foot. Shooting yourself in the fleet of foot.

"Dhoom Again" from Dhoom: 2 (2006).

I've been trying to get some exercize in (fail!) but now I need to know if there are any Bollywood workout tapes. Ha ha. So western of me to ask. But those bodies! Y'all gave me some great tips on Bollywood films to check out a few months ago and I'm going to try to do a short Bollywood series at the end of the summer.

Seeing all those clips in a row at The Movie Report once again makes me long for Hollywood to get back into the musical genre with some real annual commitment. I know Nine was a major flop (with that budget. yikes) but there are so many valuable properties they could do. Get to it already, businees executives! Remember how much Hairspray and Dreamgirls and Chicago made? I'll help you: Lots! Remember how much Sweeney Todd and Rent made? I'll help you: not as much but not too shabby considering their respective limitations.

I feel like there's nothing in the pipeline... We never hear any progress on Wicked. I wake up each morning hoping to read that Hugh Jackman or Anne Hathaway are about to start laying down tracks for some new project.

is fun but it's not enough. I need big screen song and dance. Who is with me?

*Apparently Hrithik's dance number in Kites: The Remix has been left on the cutting room floor. Yet more proof that Brett Ratner is a stupid stupid man.