Friday, June 30, 2006

More Shortlists From Hell

I’m still trying to get in that Oscar mood for the upcoming fall movie season but --Enough intro. You know how this works by now. Let’s wrap up those shortlists from Oscar hell with the supporting field. (previous posts: lead actor & lead actress).

The past six years of supporting actress have pained me most in the following five ways...

Jennifer Connelly A Beautiful Mind (01). A competent performance that for still-inexplicable-reasons-to-me managed to beat everything else all season long @ every awards show, including three other performances that were in most any way I could imagine (level of challenge, amount of nuance, complexity of role) more impressive. I still don't get it.
Judi Dench Chocolat (00). It's clear that the Dame can act. But it's unclear why the Academy feels they need to nominate her for 'I-can-do-this-in-my-sleep' roles.
Kate Hudson Almost Famous You may recall I also nominated her. What was I thinking? It's one of those dangers of awards season. Groupthink hoopla clouding otherwise discerning vision.
Laura Linney Kinsey (04) Laura Linney is a super actress. But this performance bored me.
Renee Zellweger Cold Mountain (03) Embarassing. That is all. Made me hate an actress I once loved. The love has never returned.

The past six years of supporting actor have hurt me most in the following five ways:

Jamie Foxx Collateral (04) and Ethan Hawke Training Day (01) -Two performances I actually love. But in no way, shape or form are these supporting roles. It's laughable. I can forgive the Academy those many gray areas like say, Natalie Portman in Closer or Haley Joel Osment in The Sixth Sense but when the story is ABOUT you and you're in NEARLY EVERY SCENE, you are a lead actor. Period.
Joaquin Phoenix Gladiator (00) a nomination that vexed me. Too much huffing and puffing for my tastes.
Tim Robbins Mystic River (03) Why is it that you have to overact to get an Oscar? Pity because he's been so much better (Player, Shawshank, Bull Durham) before.
Jon Voight Ali (01) Basically if you are an actor who covets a golden boy. Just sign up for any famous person role. The Academy will nominate you. It's, like, a rule or something.

Those are my feelings about the worst/most annoying nominations in those categories from 2000-2005. How about yours?