We begin abruptly with Joe's grizzly utterance which has nothing to do with what we're about to discuss. Real conversation is like that y'all.
JOE: Oh, so I finally saw Grizzly Man this week.
NATHANIEL: Oh finally. What'd you think.
J: Really good movie, though Herzog is really hammy at times. But, and I don't want to be unkind here, but I was SO GLAD that dude got eaten by a bear.
N: Haaaa. Did you think of me when he was talking about "The 'Michelle Pfeiffer' of Grizzly Bears"?
J: You are the pre-eminent touchstone for all things Pfeiffer.
N: I know. it's such a limiting shtick though. i gotta bust out with someone more contemporary soon. ok which movie do you want to start with...
J: Yeah, I dunno. I will say, and this isn't on the list and we don't have to discuss it or anything, but the Little Miss Sunshine trailer is so very, very funny...
We're discussing these trailers: Woody Allen's Scoop, Daniel Craig's first outing as "James Bond" in Casino Royale, and Toni Collette as a crazy mama in The Night Listener. Return and discuss in the comments if you'd like to join the conversation.
tags: Woody Allen, movies, cinema, Hugh Jackman, James Bond, trailers, entertainment, Halle Berry, gossip, Daniel Craig, Toni Collette, Casino Royale, Scoop