Monday, June 26, 2006

Note to Self: Stay Positive.

Like many loudmouth cinephile types I have been known to bemoan the state of current cinema, especially in year-end reviews. I know that June 26th is a strange time to bring this up but I screened Nashville for the first time in aeons the other night (hence the new banner) and immediately opened up Inside Oscar upon completion --total habit of mine-- and found this quote regarding 1975 from Los Angeles Times writer Charles Champlin:
"It wasn't a bad year for movies, it was a terrible year"
Er. Well...

1975 Highlights included Kubrick's Barry Lyndon, Lumet's Dog Day Afternoon, Spielberg's Jaws, Altman's Nashville and Forman's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. And that's just the Best Picture nominees.

A terrible year, Charles? Ya think? Thirty-one years later that year's vintage is looking mighty fine to me.