Monday, October 2, 2006


I'm still in Michigan and mostly offweb. But I have a bit of time to kill between obligations and I desperately need the distraction. Here are some posts I'm using to feed escapist urges.

popbytes interviews Jake Shears of the Scissor Sisters.
and your little blog, too lists classics still waiting for DVD debuts.
EW's popwatch on Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man.
Reverse Shot who knew that Little Children would turn out so divisive?
IDLRZ thoughts on a bunch of October movies.
Pen15 Club on Kristin Chenowith vs. Aaron Sorkin. I coulda lived without the diss on my Chen' who IS a star of stage (at least) but I knew nothing of this story so I was mighty interested to read it.
Low Resolution Hilarious Fall Movie Preview. Plus I get name checked 5 times: "Nathaniel" "Bening freaks" "fans of Brad Pitt" "Pedro's numerous and none-too-quiet partisans" and "fans of man" --ha ha. See how many time you get mentioned!

I also whiled away some time recently watching this great nonsensical Flash series "I Love Egg" which is deeply pleasureable if you find yourself needing to stop thinking and just be amused / surprised / delighted.