Thursday, October 5, 2006

New York, New York

Chapter One. He was as tough and romantic as the city he loved. Beneath his black-rimmed glasses was the coiled sexual power of a jungle cat. I love this. New York was his town, and it always would be...
I'm back in New York. Seeing the city lights from my window seat last night was more thrilling than it usually is. Once I've sufficiently recovered I might post a little about my trip or... I might not, tough to say.

In the meantime, bear with me as I climb back into the blogging / website saddle over the next few days. October is often my favorite month of the year what with good movies arriving, Oscar hopes yet dashed, and Fall (my preferred season) all around me. There will be a lot of goodies coming up, including:
  • Updates to the Foreign Oscar pages. (Yes, I'm very behind)
  • New capsule and/or full reviews.
  • That vampiric blog-a-thon (October 30th) -are you joining in? Is there a blogger out there that you'd love to see join the event? Let me know
  • More on the upcoming Sweeney Todd
  • Oscar prediction updates
  • 1982 Supporting Actress Smackdown (October 29th) --do yourself a favor and rent the four films (Victor/Victoria, Tootsie, Frances, The World According to Garp) this month before the smackdown. It's an unusually great vintage. You'll love the monthly clipreel & discussion even more if you've seen the movies.
  • Random silliness.
  • New installments of many TFE series including "A History Of..."