Friday, December 8, 2006

And the Loser Is...

You may remember that I was up for an award of best entertainment blog at the Verve Weblog Awards (for glbt blogs). I lost! But, that said, cutie MK @ popbytes won so it's hard to be miffed. It's like when Cher won the Oscar in March 1988 and "Mary Louise" (that'd be Meryl for you youngsters) Streep was so thrilled for her. So he's Cher and I'm Meryl. I can live with that.

Other winners I want to congratulate: ModFab (my close friend) deservedly took the best arts/culture blog, Frank at !! omg blog !! was named the best Canadian blogger and A Socialites Life (who y'all will remember participated in the Pfeiffer Blog-a-Thon) took the honors for Gossip sites.