Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The Return

No not that silly horror flick --Me, Nathaniel. I'm back. Did you miss me? Before I hurl myself back into the relentless demands of blogging and awards season, I need to say a huge gracias to me blogpals Gabriel (Modern Fabulousity), JA (My New Plaid Pants), and Catherine (I Am Screaming… ) for their service in my time of need. Go and visit their excellent blogs!

This is how badly I needed that break: The night before I was to hand over the reigns, I had a dream in which I was writing an article about the Supporting Actress Oscar Category [and yes those predictions need to be updated] with info on various would-be competitors. No matter whose photo I tried to insert into the article, be it Jennifer Hudson, Abigail Breslin, Vera Farmiga, Cate Blanchett, whomever --All of the photos, once published, looked like this:

Now, nothing against George Lucas (well…) but that ain’t right! That was a grade A nightmare and it went on forever. All jpegs transformed themselves into pics of Mr. I Spit On Your Childhood Memories of Star Wars Lucas. I am happy to report that upon my return today, photoshop and dreamweaver have not called out sick and seem eager to please me.

Before my nightmare becomes yours, here’s a prettier picture to look at: Emily Blunt in The Devil Wears Prada.

This woman is not really in the running for an Oscar nomination but, damn it, she sure should be. I know a turn that's elevating a movie, adding punchlines, and improving on the script when I see one.

So I'm back fully rested and I hope that the short hiatus has prepared me for the next month of collective Eastwood (sigh. again?) and Gibson (argh. i can't escape) drooling and whatever else that unfortunate obsession o' mine (The Oscars) decides to throw at me.

What a world...