Thursday, September 13, 2007

20:07 (Shapely)

screenshots from the 20th minute and 7th second of a movie
I can't guarantee the same results at home (different players/timing) I use a VLC

Hi sister. All alone? My name is Shapely -- might as well get acquainted it’s going to be a long trip gets tiresome later on, especially for someone like you, you look like you got class, yes sir, with a capital K and I’m the guy that knows class when he sees it believe you me. Ask any of the boys they’ll tell you Shapely sure knows how to pick ‘em, yes sir, Shapely is the name and that’s the way I like ‘em. You made no mistake sitting next to me --just between us the kinda mugs you meet on a hop like this aint nothing to write home to the wife about, you gotta be awful careful who you hit it up with is what I always say... you can’t be too particular neither.

What’s the matter sister you aint saying much?
It happened one night (or morning who knows) 104 years ago in Paris, France that the great Claudette Colbert was born. It happened one night 32 years after that that she became the 7th woman to win the Best Actress Oscar for her legendary romantic/comic romp with Clark Gable in It Happened One Night (1934)