Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cast This! "Scar Night"

The Film Experience book club is returning. Hell, I figure I'm turning the pages anyway. Reading is a great subway activity and we New Yorkers spend much time on subways. So why not hold those monthly weigh-ins with readers about 'who should play who?' in imaginary movie versions of novels. We've done this a few times in the past: the historical fantasy The Curse of Chalion, the corporate satire/drama Then We Came to the End and one play August: Osage County. The latter turned out to be one of the biggest comment threads ever (109!) at TFE .

So, the next selection will be Scar Night by Alan Campbell. I'm about a fifth of the way in and have already met enough interesting characters to make it a worthwhile casting discussion. So, if you like fantasy novels, pick it up and read this month. We'll discuss casting on Wednesday, June 30th. This is a debut novel which takes place in the chained city of Deepgate (it's a bit steampunk flavored) and stars two very different angels (the last of their kind), a sinister theocracy, and all sorts of secretive unsavory business and dark magic. An intriguing read so far.

We'll discuss casting on Wednesday, June 30th.