Saturday, June 5, 2010

Eat Pray Link

eat, pray
<--- Look, it's the new poster for the Julia Roberts flick Eat Pray Love. Julia appears to be eating a little low fat ice cream or substitute product or some such. Two days back, while melting in the hateful sun and picking up more cat medicine -- don't ask, things have been terrible -- I actually bought a cup of this stuff. Eating while praying, I had to cheer up.

The marketing department was always going to be hard pressed to beat the book cover but isn't this a bit... dull? Especially considering how much they have to work with: Different countries, hot co-stars, spiritual awakenings. I mean, there's an elephant in the movie. Elephant! How can you pass up an elephant for a stone bench? Ah well, at least it's not a giant floating movie star head. Which is pretty much all you'd see if I did an episode of posterized with Julia herself.

Are you excited to see this in August? I'm hoping it's good. Seems like the sort of thing that's just right for Julia in the right now. [see also: previous post]

Fassinating Fassbender the Michael Fassbender fanblog gets its own interview with the man himself.
Telegraph UK Tim Robey "Why I Love: Juliette Lewis". Ah, I knew I loved Tim for a reason. Well, several of them.
CHUD laments the state of movie posterdom. The only great ones (Buried) are rip offs of classics.

I Need My Fix Quote of the Day Ashton Kutcher on his post Killers body
Cinema Blend a test screening review of the remake Let Me In. It's extremely positive but I'm hoping critics take this down on principle ;) Why remake something if you're only going to copy it? That's living off other people's glory.
Towleroad a couple of notes on Splice. My feelings haven't changed much since Sundance but I suppose the parts that were good have aged well. That "Dren" really is a memorable creation. Good sound design, too. There's more interesting links there, too...

Eat Pray Link. But mostly Link apparently.