Monday, June 28, 2010

How To Fix The Oscars... Advice From Wimbledon

You probably don't know this but I love tennis. So this afternoon I was reading about Wimbledon and saw Towleroad's account of Novak Djokovic ripping his shirt off after a win.

Novak Djokovic

This is a common sports occurrence (see also soccer i.e. football and swimming events oh, right. uh...) and we enjoy it and think that people should do this at the Oscars, too.

Shouldn't the thrill of victory always* prompt people to tear their shirts off? I mean, consider recent Oscar wins...

Such dramatic possibility.

(And not just because those gowns would be dangerous when dismantled. So much flying beading.)

Maybe that's all the "fix" the Oscars need?

*Exception: The only thing I've ever won was a spelling bee in junior high. I did not rip my shirt off. But spelling is not sexy like tennis or movies!