Monday, June 28, 2010

Overheard (Grown Ups Buyer's Remorse)

What did you see over the weekend?

Do tell.
Strangely, I went movieless.

Well, except for that weird couple of hours where I accidentally left the TV on and kept hearing and glimpsing an absohideous Rob Schneider "movie" (not to be confused with brillz Roy Scheider!) in the background. Something involving him having animal parts.

I bring this up because:

a) This same weekend, whilst innocently waiting for my bestie in the lobby of a theater -- airconditioning. we weren't seeing a movie but Gay Pride bar hopping -- I experienced the horror of a grown gay man telling complete strangers that he had just bought a ticket to Grown-Ups (also starring Schneider)
"Yes, I know it will be stupid.

Maybe I should have bought a ticket for the Joan Rivers documentary instead?"
Ya think?

b) I am hoping to create a false replacement memory by retrovicariously enjoying your movie weekend instead. Help me! How was it?