Sunday, June 27, 2010

In Just Three Days...

... I'll be granted an audience with god (aka Julianne Moore) to talk about The Kids Are All Right.

I hope that I don't pass out. In actuality, I have met the ravishing redhead once before in 2002 (my how time flies) and did not keel over. But I was rather incoherent. The only full sentence I managed was something along the lines of "I hope you win the Oscar". When I meet her again -- this time for an interview -- perhaps I should apologize for jinxing her chances. We all know that when I truly obsess over an actress she never wins (Pfeiffer, Deneuve, Bening). The exceptions to this rule are the actresses who won their Oscars BEFORE I was born or before I became obsessive (Streep, Fonda, La Liz) although sometimes I even curse those women retroactively through my amazing time travel/Oscar jinxing powers (Judy G, Marilyn, Natalie).

What would you ask Julianne Moore?