Friday, January 21, 2005

Been Around the World...

The Foreign Pages have been updated. Damn that's a chore. Click away...

Looks like it's going to be some combo of the following dozen pictures

(no particular order)

France -Les Choristes

Spain -The Sea Inside

China -House of Flying Daggers

Greece -A Touch of Spice

Iran -Turtles Can Fly

Italy -The Keys to the House

Mexico -Innocent Voices

South Africa -Yesterday

Brazil -Olga

Sweden -As in Heaven

Chile -Machuca

Germany -Downfall

but with this category... you never really know. There's several others that have a longshot chance. But these seem to be the most enthusiastically received in one way or another

Some really good pictures won't make it as usual like probably Nobody Knows from Japan (a cinephile favorite) Whisky from Uruguay (a festival favorite) and Cronicas from Ecuador (Sundance buzz but probably too harsh) The Welts from Poland (too harsh) etc...