Monday, January 10, 2005

Weepy Feel Good

9:10 - Directors. Kate Winslet has worked with how many of these men--Only Forster right? weird choice to present I think. But it's always good to see my Kate. Martin Scorsese. And oh my god...doesn't Kate have the most amazing speaking voice. Just so lovely.

9:12 -Treat and Christine; TV stars. There's a lot of TV people on this BFCA thing. Which is weird because there's only one award that's even remotely connected to television. Fahrenheit 9/11. will they go political or stay safe? drumroll... Fahrenheit 9/11. Nice to honor the other documentaries in that way. I haven't seen Control Room but i should see more documentaries. The one I most wanted to see was The Corporation which just won the Cinemarati Documentary prize (I abstained from voting in that category because I had only seen a couple of the films)

9:19 -Phantom of the Opera. yeeesh that movie is bad. Commercials commercials commercials... (yawn)

9:22 -wow that ballroom is VERY noisy. Maybe they don't know they're on television. Very professional. Composer went to The Aviator --good sign for its Oscar chances since there's nothing particularly great about that score (at least to my ears)

9:27 -The Sea Inside. the BFCA journalists are feeling a little sentimental tonight aren't they: Finding Neverland, Phantom, The Sea Inside. my goodness. Such a weepy/feelgood thing.