Monday, January 17, 2005


Still thinking about the Globes (well, duh... it's only 9:30 the next morning) and wondering how they will or will not affect the Oscars. Obviously the awards have no affect on the nominations which will be announced in 8 days but they could definitely have effect the overall mood. On that count I would have to say the following:

BIG boost: Mike Nichols. Natalie Portman. Clive Owen. In truth, I don't expect either actor to carry over to an Oscar win but after the SAG shutout it probably felt pretty sweet to the Closer team. Both actors gave riveting performances and gracious or charming acceptance speeches -so should they be nominated, perhaps they'll be a spoiler dark horse candidates instead of the 'it's just an honor to be nominated' types.

Tiny Boost: The Aviator. It's nice to win Best Drama. It'll look nice on their newspaper and TV ads etc... but it didn't feel like a full endorsement. Mostly because Scorsese didn't also win. No doubt the perceived desperation is part of the problem. It may be only perception but everyone believes he desperately wants it. And they say that desperation is a huge turnoff in Hollywood (as it is everywhere actually)

Million Dollar Baby and Sideways strike me as having had exactly the type of night one could reasonably expect neither hurting nor helping.

I can't even go into Best Actress because I'm too upset about it... Note to Scorsese: Don't be desperate to win that damn statue. If they give Hilary Swank two you know it don't mean much.

Let it go...

And on the Jamie Foxx front. I have to say that it is amusing if you don't care one way or another (which I don't) to watch this happen for the 23rd time. Someone receiving huge outpourings of love for no particular reason other than for the role that they're playing (i.e. their career hasn't been stellar or long enough to warrant repeated standing ovations): see also Ben Kingsley in Gandhi, etc... Sometimes, as an actor, you just have to pick a beloved figure and do it well and you're in for the gold. People vote with their hearts (voter: "I LOVE Ray Charles [check mark by Jamie Foxx's name]) rather than with their heads (voter: Jamie Foxx does a good Ray imitation but what about these other actors... who gave the best performance? Let me see..." [considers ballot])

you know?