Tuesday, January 25, 2005

the countdown is progressing

Things running through my mind as I have my coffee...

Paul Giamatti is going to get the snub instead of Johnny Depp in the volatile actor race. Damn

The old timers: Eastwood, Leachman, Garner, Rowlands, Carradine. Is it gonna go their way?

Surprise lurking in the only race that seems sewn up completely 5/5 -Best Actress. Is it Zhang Ziyi? It could be if Zhang Yimou for Director and the techs are there for House of Flying Daggers.

I don't know why I was so sure that Ray would make it. History is against the bio-pics on black celebrities...even the arguably good ones; Ali, What's Love Got to Do With It, The Hurricane.

...agh. so many possibilities. Let's up my anxiety with yet another cup a joe. Good plan.