Friday, March 17, 2006

25 Actors. Not Enough Time.

Five more names have been added to the Top 100 Actors of the Aughts Countdown.

Because I am disappointingly not two people I can only cover so much at a time. We'll take a little break from this countdown now as we preview 2006 culminating in the April Fools Oscar Predictions for this new film year. [yes, despite the worst Oscar f***over moment of all time --they didn't just jump the shark, they lept over Moby Dick -- I'm still planning to cover next year's race.]

If you're still hung up on all these talented actors, though, please vote on the new poll @ the main site. You'll be restricted to my overall choices in groupings of 25, but when my countdown is finished there'll be an alternate "readers choice" numerical ranking from the four polls you'll be voting in. It all sounds needlessly complicated but that just isn't so dear readers. Complications are needed. Complications are preciousss.