It's Tuesday. Time for "A History of..." But today we're doing things a little differently. It's an
Illustrated History of Gender-Bending @ The Movies. Today's topic is inspired in part by the fact that it's the birthday of one hit wonder Jaye Davidson who startled moviegoers in
The Crying Game many years ago.
1930s Marlene Dietrich puts on a suit. Garbo strolls around like she has an extra bit between her legs. Millions swoon.
1959 Hollywood's first transgendered gay marriage
1970s Susan Sarandon squeaks. Tim Curry peaks.
1980s Hollywood's gender-bending apex.
Dustin hoffman plays
"Tootsie", Streisand is
"Yentl", Julie Andrews plays a
woman impersonating a man impersonating a woman. and Daryl Hannah begins passing.
1992 oops...
1993 Kurt Russell discovers eyeliner in
Tombstone. Val Kilmer still upstages him.
1994 Guy Pearce cannot find a copy of
The Texas Chainsaw Mascara. Still looking. Has now also misplaced his
career. I swear that Guy. If his head weren't attached...
2006 Amanda Bynes in
She's the Man finally replaces Barbra Streisand in
Yentl as the world's most unbelievable and ugly boy. Babs sends 'thank you' note.
If you're here for the first time... please check out the
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homebase, and some other
Jodie Foster *
Bald Women *
Sarah Jessica Parker *
Gay Cowboys *
Julianne Moore's Screen Kids *
She's The Man,
Amanda Bynes,
Barbra Streisand,
Rocky Horror,