Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Arden. A Formal Intro.

Hey there Rockford Peaches!

Arden, blogger of Cinephilia, formally introducing. Wanted to let you all know I am ready, willing and very grateful to be able to put my two cents in this week regarding our collective film experience. A little bit about me: I'm a cinephile first, a blogger second and a woman third. Despite the fact that I'm neither as witty nor as interesting as Nathaniel R., I do solemnly swear that during his absence in the next week I will be asking the tough questions. Such as:

1. Does August 18th 2006 mark the end of cinema as we know it?
2. What is Mark Ruffalo doing right now?
3. Did Quentin Tarantino ruin everything?

And finally,

4. Is there any point to being a heterosexual female when its not 1961 and Warren Beatty's married?

Off to the movies... xoxo ARDEN