Sunday, April 30, 2006

Old Week. New Banner.

Can you guess what ties the films in our new banner together?

The banner is no longer that strip of Pfeiffer Pfotos because her birthday week has now passed by. [if you still want to gaze, here's my gallery] For those living under a rock or those clicking links to arrive here for the first time (which amounts to the same thing ;) no, I kid. Welcome), not all weeks have themes but this past did. Pfeiffer kept blessing the pfestivities with her presence.

Highlights from the Past Week
The Blog-a-Thon honoring La Pfeiffer.
A brief history of my Tuesday series "A History Of..."
The debut installment of our new community service: Weekly Horoscopes
A celebration of Hug an Australian Day
and an imaginery American Idol Movie.
MTV's Best Kiss nominations.
And for Oscar Obsessives (you know who you are) a look back at 1958's contenders for Supporting Actress