Friday, April 28, 2006


So, this is pfun. The Pfeiffer Blog-a-Thon continues to rage (see here or just scroll down depending on how you got here) I think at 35 bloggers it is now developing a life of it's own. I feel a bit overwhelmed by the outpouring of love.

I wish La Pfeiffer could see it. Or perhaps not. She is a little skittish.

I can't post anything tomorrow (the official day of Pfeiffer's birth) so I wish her a happy birthday now and draw my Pfeiffer Pfrenzy week to a close with this its last official post. I'll keep updating the blog-a-thon should more links arrive so you may need to refresh the screen when you come back. I'll be back after a nap (this has been exhausting) and a cold shower (all this pfandom makes me hot) for a non-Pfeiffer related post.