Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Birthday Boy

You totally won't believe this but I'm kind of an egomaniac. I know... you're probably slackjawed right now, stunned into silence with such a shocking revelation. But snap out of it. The festivities must begin.

My real life friends know that my birthday is a month long affair. It doesn't matter when it begins --just that it isn't some measly 24 hour celebration. So it is with them so shall it be with you, my abstract unseen minions. My birthday lasts for a whole freaking month. So wish me well. And keep doing it.

(Yes that's me from last years celebration, drunk with a "winner" ribbon hanging from my mouth. These things happen.)

Two friends surprised me a few nights back with a great dinner & show. So my birthday has officially begun and will conclude approximately mid June. You can join in too. Buy me things! (For the traditionalists out there my actual birthday is on June 6th but I wanted to give you ample time to choose your gift.)

Or you can donate to keep the film experience running smoothly which is an even better idea. I've added a donate button on the right hand sidebar. There's lots of things I'd like to do with the site but funds are running low. So please consider donating for my birthday to keep me in the Oscar prognosticating and general movie babbling blogging business for more years. If you're going to be a cheapskate or something you can at least send me a nude photo.

This fundraising birthday plea has been brought to you by Nathaniel for and on behalf of Nathaniel. Nathaniel thanks you in advance for your patronage.