Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Cannes: I Got Nothing.

Not that any of you have been asking but I apologize for the lack of updates regarding the Cannes Festival. My mind has been elsewhere and it's always so much info to take in and evaluate.

I will tell you this much though. The film most likely to be reevaluated after the fact? I'm thinking it's Southland Tales, Richard Kelly's Donnie Darko follow up. Nick was just here and we both agreed it's the film most likely to follow that critical reversal journey. We've been hearing nothing but griping and 'it's a failure!' and all of that. But film festivals are like reality tv shows. They follow very typical patterns.

For example. There's almost always a film that everyone seems gaga over that goes home emptyhanded. There's almost always a film that wins an awards that refuses to make even the teensiest impression on anyone outside of the festival. And there's always a film (or two) that survive initial unanimous dissing. They find great critical favor once every realizes that the festival played games with their heads and critical faculties. If you've ever been to a festival (not just Cannes) you'll know what I'm talking about. The air is different. The films bleed into one another. Watching multiple films a day for weeks can work a strange alchemy on the brain's chemicals.

If the initially unlucky but suddenly lucky film isn't Southland Tales there'll be something else everyone seems to hate that we'll all love six months from now.