Friday, June 9, 2006

Fuzzy Link Sweater

Burbanked on Scoop and Little Miss Sunshine trailers.
Cinematical on the casting of Hairspray. I probably should be more excited about this one given the persistent Pfeiffer rumors... but I've seen the musical and without strong direction (unlikely) it'll suck because it's one showstopper after another and it would require fine direction to transfer that live theater energy into a film that builds and peaks in the right places. Plus Pfeiffer's character has the worst songs.
Film Stalker is TV taking over the cinema? (This serialized drama question in on my brain now as I near the end of the Six Feet Under DVD.
Oscar Watch Will History Boys impending TONY win translate to Oscar?
Stale Popcorn on the new Baz Luhrman project: Baz + Kidman + Jackman =anticipatory ecstacy.