Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Queen of Comedy

Sandra Bernhard is celebrating her 51st birthday today so I thought I'd give her a shout out by posting a video clip of what should have been an Oscar nominated performance. With this video we're going wayyyy back to 1983 when Sandra was dropping her genius right smack dab inbetween Jerry Lewis and Robert DeNiro in Martin Scorsese's undervalued King of Comedy (one of his two or three best films says me). This is just the first two minutes of what is the most genius segment in the movie.

In King of... Sandra plays a crazed groupie and here she's romancing her celebrity captive. Enjoy...

And after watching tell me if you don't think she shouldn't be thrown into the Christopher Guest improv movie mix. Hollywood has never quite known what to do with her. I bet Christopher Guest would.