Thursday, June 1, 2006

Superman is Sixty-Eight

Superman was born in 1938. He looks damn fine for a sixty-eight year old, don't you agree? I've read several different dates of birth as his actual birthday. At first I was under the impression that it was today, June 1st. But I keep reading different things. From my very limited knowledge of the comic character (never been a big Supes reader) I think February 29th is the character's birthday within the comicbooks. Am I right? wrong? Do you care? I'm hearing differing dates for the official birthday of the character in actuality. May 30th? June 1st? Who knows?

At any rate, Superman Returns flies into theaters on Wednesday, June 28th (two days earlier than planned --which is nice. I like Wednesday openings. They used to be all the rage but seem to have faded in the past few years. So Happy Birthday Supes, whenever that actual day is!

Suggested Super Sites to Search:
Superman Super SiteMany Men of Steel and more...
Superman Homepage news, trivia, comic reviews
Blue Tights Network Production video of the new film and more...
Superdickery Galleries of Superman behaving badly. Funny.
Wikipedia's Superman Page
& two blogs carefully ogling those blue tights for you:
My New Plaid Pants

and a final interesting article to look at:
"The Myth of Superman" from Loonyblog