Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Weekly (Streep) Horoscope

It's Meryl Streep Month here at the Film Experience. And you know what that means: She's your theme for this week's horoscope. Each sign will be given a famous Streep role with which to identify/self-examine this week leading up to her birthday (June 22nd). Next week's horoscope, ushering in the summer, will come from a special guest and since response to the horoscopes haven't been equal to the amount of work they are this feature will then go on the back burner for the summer.

Weekly Movie Horoscope
June 14th - June 20th The "Mary Louise" Edition

Aries (3.21-4.19)
Your Streep talisman this week is Karen Silkwood. Don't worry about her sorry fate. I'm thinking more along the lines of your natural courage and impulsiveness. Like that aforementioned crusader you'll make good use of those. Stay alert --accidents can happen when we're reckless. Helpful hint: Keep your friends close by and sing yourself a few bars of Amazing Grace.

Taurus (4.20-5.20)
Remember that path less travelled that Karen Blixen took in Out of Africa? Let her be your guide. Stubbornly hack your way through whatever wild brush you come across. Stick to your guns with that earth energy and you'll prosper. It might be time though to let a loved one go if they want out. Helpful hint: Let someone pamper you. Remember when Robert Redford washed her hair? Mmmm.

Gemini (5.21-6.20)
Your Streep talisman this week is appropriately dual in nature. InThe French Lieutenant's Woman the film that brought Streep her first lead Oscar nomination (and yes career success awaits you too) she played two characters: a temperamental actress and the artist she was portraying. Helpful hint: Sketch a little self-portrait this week. You may be surprise by what you come up with.

Cancer (6.21-7.22)
One more week until your life lights up with the sun in Cancer for your b-day. So -stay right in the moment. Your Streepian alter-ego this week is Yolanda in A Prairie Home Companion. What? You haven't seen it yet. Git yourself to a theater. She's a hoot. Like her, you may be feeling easily hurt and a bit moody. Still, you're undeniable sympathetic and winning this week. Helpful hint: Embrace your sibling/s.

Leo (7.23-8.22)
You know you're a star. It's OK to embrace that but don't let your vanity get the best of you. Don't go to the extremes that Madeline Ashton went to in Death Becomes Her. Embrace your natural charisma and humor --hell, even your horniness. But stay away from the dark recesses of your need for the spotlight. Helpful hint: Make sure to ask for a warning before you down the magical cure-all.

Virgo (8.23-9.22)
Your Streep talisman this week is Lisa Metzger from Prime. Your intellect always serves you well and you're probably doing well with your career right now. But watch the inflexibility when decisions involve more of the heart than the mind. Helpful hint: Make sure you to carve out your own space. If you're not successful enough to have a private office, find a private place.

Libra (9.23-10.22)
You probably know that Suzanne Vale in Postcards from the Edge was basically Carrie Fisher fictionalized, right? If this week feels a little meta in its autobiographical qualities just deal. Learn to live in and love the moment, however exasperating it may initially feel. Just like Carrie Suzanne Vale. Helpful hint: Check out of that Heartbreak Hotel. Don't live on lonely street no more. No more.

Scorpio (10.23-11.21)
The role tailor made for you this week is "Susan Orlean" from Adaptation. I put the name in quotes because Orlean is also a real person but the movie is fictionalizing her. You probably dig the fluidity of that. Think about pushing your own persona into new territory this week. Experiment a little. Helpful hint: Dial tone. Take your shoes and hum along with the phone.

Sagittarius (11.22-12.21)
That fire and enthusiasm you have needs somewhere to go. Your talisman this week is Susan Traherne in Plenty who felt alive in the war and dead as a peace time society wife. Helpful hint: Chant the following phrase to yourself "There will be days and days and days like this." If the thought of that being true makes you crazy, change the dynamic of your life.

Capricorn (12.22-1.19)
Divided loyalties may be hard for you just as they were for Francesca who had some thorny emotional issues to deal with in The Bridges of Madison County. If you aren't feeling grounded as usual, don't stress. Focus on your passion and/or lovelife and take it as it comes. Helpful hint: We all have short stretches of time that take on deep resonance in our lives. Do something this week that you'll always remember.

Aquarius (1.20-2.18)
If you hear me say that your Streep role is Helen Archer of Ironweed you may feel a twinge of defiance. Before you go hurry off to choose your own role remember that Helen had admirable qualities: proud, fierce, independent, talented. She just let other things erode her gifts. Be your best self this week. Helpful hint: Lay off the sauce. If you feel like belting a torch song, by all means, do. Just sing it sober.

Pisces (2.19-3.20)
This week could bring a you renewed creativity in some form or another, so be open and sensitive to it. Consider the intuitive warmth of Clarissa Vaughan in The Hours. She may have felt like she was unravelling, but deep truths and profound connections don't always come painlessly. Helpful hint: Get lost in a really great book you've always wanted to read. Kiss your signficant other passionately.

tags: movies, Meryl Streep, film, celebrities, horoscope, zodiac