Thursday, August 10, 2006

LOGO's Top 50

LOGO has compiled a list of The 50 Greatest LGBT Films of All-Time, as chosen by their audience. I have to say that I've probably seen... 5% of them? I don't really rush out to see much gay cinema since... well, a really good percentage is just crap, I'm sorry to say. But I'm a bad Gay anyway, I never seem to make it to the Pride festivites anymore. Do I have to send back the toaster?

Here's the top 10:

I've made known my feelings for Brokeback in the past at my own site, so I'll just say - right on, with that one.

I know that Latter Days is a popular film (obviously, coming in at #2), but personally I hated it. It defines most of the things that keep me away from going to see gay films - I thought the actors were terrible, the dialogue downright painful, and while I'm always one to appreciate some man-flesh being on display, there's just something that skeeves me out about the way a lot of gay films throw everyone into tank tops and boxer briefs at every given opportunity.

Beautiful Thing and Trick I both liked when I was 20 or so but I haven't seen either of them since then. Angels In America should've placed higher. I shamefully admit I haven't seen Bound yet. Priscilla was fun, but again, it's been years. And that's it for what I've seen of the top 10.

And the fact that Heavenly Creatures placed at all the way down at #45 is just too horrific to even begin to contemplate. That film... well, I can't quite shift Brokeback out of #1 without my wiring short-circuiting, but it's an easy #2.
