Saturday, August 5, 2006

Lost in Johansson: It's a Wrap.

And we now conclude "Scarlett Week" with the following lists...
Lists!? This never happens on the Film Experience. It's a miracle.

Best Scarlett Johansson Website

These photos are all of Scarlett celebrating Lost in Translation at various bashes, premieres, festivals. For thousands more (you heard me right) ---or if Scarlett week had you all hot and bothered, visit Scarlett Fan. It's a huge spiffy website. If all movie actors had websites this comprehensive the world would be a better, prettier, happier, more satisfying place.

They even have a big Black Dahlia page up. Is it just me or is Scarjo getting all Naomi Watts on us in this movie? Look at this pic below

Your favorite Scarjo performances
51% of you love Charlotte in Lost in Translation most.
17% of you bought into her randy emotional turn in Match Point and
15% of you most grooved on that Girl with a Pearl Earring. Complete poll results here

My favorite Scarjo performances
01. Girl with a Pearl Earring challenged her the most and she delivered. [FB Nomination]
02. Lost in Translation fittingly made her a star with that tricky lost-but-still-strong duality of character.
03. Ghost World in which she expertly handled a character arc that wonderfully paralleled the audiences understanding of the girls.

Her biggest box office grossers
01. The Horse Whisperer $75 million
02. In Good Company $45 million
03. Lost in Translation $44 million

The most inexplicable thing about her career
That Globe nomination for Love Song for Bobby Long

The smartest thing about her career
Who she's chosen to work with (auteurially speaking) and who she's avoided (Tom Cruise pre-Katie Holmes, Scarjo was rumored to be his original target)

Reasons why Scoop is not as bad you've heard
01. Scarlett and Woody really do have chemistry as a screen pair. (I don't mean romantically. Ewww.)
02. Hugh Jackman takes his shirt off (often) + Scarlett in a bathing suit.
03. Some of the jokes are actually funny even if it's forced and fluffy.

Her only dangerous rivals for "Queen of Young Hollywood" Status
01. Natalie Portman. Like Scarjo she has both the auteurs and the audiences wrapped around her fingers. In Natalie's corner: That Oscar nomination and the best boyfriend in Hollywood (Gael Garcia Bernal). In Scarjo's corner: No performances as stinky as "Queen Amidala"
02. Kirsten Dunst. Like Scarjo she's had critical acclaim. In Kirsten's corner: Sofia Coppola's true muse (twice over). Plus better box office track record. In Scarjo's corner: Wasn't dumb enough to dump Jake Gyllenhaal.
03. Keira Knightley. Like Scarjo she's all the rage right this second. In Keira's corner: Better box office, Oscar validation, plus a franchise to keep her employed. In Scarjo's corner: More range. Far sexier.

Hope you've enjoyed Scarlett Week. Next week will be Scarlett free (unless one of the guest bloggers can't resist)

previous posts:
A History Of... Scarjo
Hugh Jackman her current co-star in Scoop
My Endless Link Two Scarlett links & other random goodies.
Anyone But Scarlett Johansson (With Apologies to Scarlett Johansson)

tags: Scarlett Johansson, movies, cinema, Josh Hartnett, cloning, academy awards, film, Woody Allen, Natalie Portman, Kirsten Dunst, Young Hollywood