Thursday, August 3, 2006

My Endless Link

Stranger Song anticipates Marie-Antoinette (with action figures!)
NY Times on the enduring Brooke Astor. This story of a 104 year-old Manhattan gazillionaire has been pretty fascinating lately. I hope they make a movie someday and give some ancient actress a chance to win an Oscar. [src]
popbytes with a Dreamgirls sneak. "One Night Only"
Just Jared has pics of the onscreen (Black Dahlia) / offscreen couple: Scarlett Johansson & Josh Hartnett. Just a few days back we were reading about Scarlett's love of cupcakes. Now, there's another dessert in her hands. Hollywood stick figures take note: This girl is sexier than you. Put on some lbs!
I am screaming and punching myself on the last night's joyful (___ kicked off) / shocking (____ wins) episode of Project Runway.
Stale Popcorn on Clint's "too obvious" Oscar contender.
Pajiba with some trade roundups notes on The Dark Knight (yay), I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (boo), and There Will Be Blood (triple-yay).
Useless Things Fun observation about a photo of Oliver Stone posing with Courtney Love & Scarlett Johansson.

...and finally. You know you gotta see this:
L Magazine names the 5 Best and 5 Worst New York City Film Critics. [src]